Full Form

Full Form

Thus far we have been using the short form to declare our controls. The short form consists of:

<control tag> <parameter>

From our previous example:

ACORN 1.0 IWML 1.0
    Text Hello
    Text World
    Button Ok

Full Form

The previous example can also be written in full form. The short form allows us to keep things compact and removes the need to use the longer full form for every control declaration.

ACORN 1.0 IWML 1.0
    Text Hello
    Text World
      Text: Ok

Now that we have the full form syntax, we can set properties other than those accessible by the parameter. This also means that the former parameter we had must be listed as a property. In this case, Button’s parameter maps to the .Text property, so we set it explicitly and add other properties as well.


Properties are set according to this syntax:

<property name>: <value>

The separator between property name is : (colon) followed by a space. The property value is terminated by end of line. This syntax reduces and nearly eliminates the need to escape any values except in the case of markdown.

ACORN 1.0 IWML 1.0
    Text Hello
    Text World
      Text: Ok
      Width: 200
      TextHAlign: Right

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