Multiline Properties

Multiline Properties

String properties can have single line or multiline values. Multiline values are common with text properties that accept multiple lines, textual data and more.

Using the EditMulti control we can set a single line value using the same property syntax as before:

ACORN 1.0 IWML 1.0
    Text Hello
    Text World
      Width: 200
      Lines: One

This IWML is valid and functional

When we need to set more than one line for the value of the .Lines property, we can use the multi-line syntax. A multi-line property is signified by a a property name followed by a colon at the end of line.

Empty Lines

Any empty lines that are part of the property block do not require indentation. A complete empty line with no indentation for spaces when found in a multi-line property block is treated as if it is indented for parsing purposes.

Explicit Closure

Use of ] to close a block is never required except in the case of empty lines after a multi-line property value block. If you enter such lines and do not wish them to be part of the property value, then an explicit closing ] must be used to exclude those lines.